Blue Edge Financial

What pairs does Titan trade? Print

  • 26

What pairs does Titan trade?

As of now, Titan has only been optimized to trade with the EUR/USD pair. We may look at optimizing the software for other pairs in the future. However, the software has been performing incredibly on the EUR/USD pair, so there may not be a need. In fact, the average daily volume of the EUR/USD is 575 billion dollars. Compare that to the stock market that does 22.4 billion per day. There is plenty of volume to make plenty of money with just this one pair! 

Also it is important to understand each currency pair actually has its own "personality" you could say. Which means you cannot use Titan on other pairs and expect the same results. It won't perform well because Titan is so highly optimized for the EURUSD's "personality" or in other words. EURUSD's typical market behaviors and volatility. 


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