Blue Edge Financial

A few BIG announcements..

  • Tuesday, 25th February, 2020
  • 19:13pm
1. Many of you have been wondering why Titan is currently taking less trades...some of you were wondering if it had something do with the "lag" on your VPS..please rest assured we are running Titan on other VPSs as well and it is also not taking many trades right now..SO, we talked to our development team and they said that the fact that there hasn't been much trading activity recently is normal! This is because of the recent GAP & volatility in the market so Titan will wait for the market to stabilize before making any decisions. So please be patient and TRUST Titan knows what it's doing. :)
2. Also we are introducing a NEW ONBOARDING SYSTEM! Wahoo!! You'll notice there are two new graphics in your client area, one is to login to Edge Trading Academy and the other is the new onboarding system which includes a FREE T-SHIRT! If you've already setup your Titan software, all you need to do is fill out the T-Shirt form and upload the required images and we'll ship you your EDGE TRADER T-Shirt for FREE!
3. If you are STILL waiting on your VPS, please message support ASAP! There were some people whose accounts were missing even though they ordered. This will all be fixed this week as soon as the automated system is in place. THANK YOU for your patience in the meantime!
4. Speaking of VPS, we are going to UPGRADE everyone's VPS to a 2GB plan for FREE!
Why are we doing this? Well some of you have said that you're experiencing a "lag" on your VPS. This is due to the fact that Titan is a MASSIVE file (in fact, our VPS team has never seen anything like it!) and any "normal" EA would run on the current plan just fine. Rest assured that despite the lag, this doesn't actually affect Titan's performance. However, we want to serve you as best as we possibly can and so we've decided to upgrade everyone to the 2GB plan and hopefully this will make the "lag" issue much better!
5. Finally, we will NOT be accepting new clients until Sunday. The reason for this is we need to ensure the VPS process will be smooth going forward. Secondly, we've had such an explosive influx of new clients recently that we've maxed out our merchant processors temporarily! Good problem to have right?!
We will be back with full processing capacity and the VPS onboarding ironed out and fully automated by Sunday, March 1st (before the markets open).
That's all for now! We're excited about the future together! To your prosperity!
- The Blue Edge Financial Team
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