Blue Edge Financial

TOMORROW we will be able to accept 200 new clients!

  • Saturday, 29th February, 2020
  • 22:35pm

TOMORROW we will be able to accept 200 new clients!


Hey Edge Traders!

Just a reminder that tomorrow we will re-open the payment gateways..

Which means starting tomorrow, we will be able to accept new clients again!! 


BUT, here's the thing.. we will only be able to accept 200 new clients until we have more merchant processing capacity. 

We are going to continue to work on this so we can serve as many people as possible...

But just a fair warning, we will be taking down the checkout page again once we reach 200 new clients. 

If you or anyone your know is ready to sign up, make sure to click on this link to be notified so you don't miss out!


ALSO, due to the ever increasing demand, we will no longer be re-accepting clients who cancel their account. This means that if you open an account with us and decide to cancel, unfortunately you will not be able to re-join until we have more merchant processing capacity. 


Thank you for your patience and understanding..

- The Blue Edge Financial Team

"Because everyone deserves to prosper"

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